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About Top Boards is a listing website hosted by GoTop100. Top Boards lists websites in order of activity (or charity in votes from non-members which is frowned upon and ban-worthy if discovered). Some websites on Top Boards were not originally hosted by ProBoards (the provider of the sub domain, but WikiFoundry. TopBoards favors ProBoards and their excellent user service over WikiFoundry (previously known as Wetpaint) and its errors. However, Top Boards holds nothing against WikiFoundry but simply recognizes that ProBoards is much more developed and has many more people on the job and available for maintenance. We recommend using ProBoards, or any other free website host service, however you may still submit a WikiFoundry website. The website in the #1 ranking may not always be the best while it is recognized as most active - but Top Boards was created to provide people seeking a website to join with the most active (or otherwise supported) role-play websites.

Why should I visit sites other than the ones listed near the very top? The websites near the top of the list may have a bad community, plot, and/or other issues. For a site to be at the top implies they have an active community of voters, perhaps even non-members or the occasional handful of people harassed to vote for the site in private messages (if a TopBoards website is found to be doing this, they will be removed). New, vibrantly-edited and otherwise unnecessarily bedazzled websites that seem to immediately become #1 - #5 have a strong possibility of shutting down in the near future. Look for stability in role-play websites instead of whether their editors know how to throw in those fancy "tumblr-esque" graphics and HTMLs before making choices as to which one to join!

Site ranking method The site updates itself every 30 minutes. Wait at least 35 minutes before submitting "bug reports" (among other related concerns). There are 25 sites listed per page. Your website needs 10 votes to be displayed.

Reset 05.07.16

Rank Site In Out

The voting website is competitive - as any voting website would be - but will remove websites whose staff members are defamatory towards other websites on Top Boards.

Last Update: Sat, 08.13.22 18:29
Next Update: Sat, 08.13.22 18:59
Next Reset: Wed, 10.12.22 18:29
Sites: 37

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